Fix website mistakes

Fix Your Website Mistakes and Boost Your Business

houseSoh May 8, 2024

Seven Conversion Killers: Is Your Website at Risk?

1. The Wall of Text:
Long paragraphs can overwhelm visitors. Break up text to improve readability and engagement.

2. Unclear Value Proposition:
Your homepage must quickly communicate what you offer and why it matters. Avoid jargon and be clear.

3. Faceless Business:
Showcase your team to build trust and humanize your brand. Visitors want to connect with real people.

4. Stiff Corporate Tone:
An overly formal tone can be off-putting. Use a conversational style to engage visitors and reflect your brand's personality.

5. Buried Social Proof:
Highlight testimonials and reviews prominently. Use visuals to make them stand out and boost credibility.

6. Pricing Obscurity:
Be transparent about pricing. Clear information helps qualify leads and streamlines the decision-making process.

7. Outdated Design & User Experience:
Modernize your design and ensure a user-friendly experience. An updated look improves credibility and ease of navigation.

Optimize for Success:
Refine your website's content, design and functionality to remove friction and enhance user experience. A well-optimized site can significantly boost conversions.