100m dollar leads

100 Million Dollar Leads

houseSoh May 4, 2024

10 Key Takeaways from Alex Hormozi's "$100 Million Dollar Leads"

  1. Lead Magnets & Problem-Solution Cycle
    Solve a specific problem for free to build trust and position yourself as an expert.
  2. The Core Four of Advertising
    Warm outreach, cold outreach, paid ads and free content—target both warm and cold audiences.
  3. How-I Content Creation
    Share personal experiences instead of giving instructions to build credibility.
  4. Puddles, Ponds, Lakes & Oceans Strategy
    Start small in your niche and expand to broader markets over time.
  5. Offer Free Services Initially
    Start with free clients to gain experience and testimonials.
  6. Discount Ladder
    Offer discounts progressively to attract clients and build urgency.
  7. More, Better, New Framework
    Scale what's working, improve it and only then explore new tactics.
  8. The Rule of 100
    Take 100 key actions every day for 100 days to ensure consistent lead flow.
  9. Give-Ask Ratio
    For every sales pitch, provide 10 pieces of valuable content.
  10. Optimize Website for Conversions
    Ensure your site has clear CTAs, easy navigation and persuasive content.

By following these, you can turn leads into paying clients and grow your business.